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Central computer in a sentence

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Sentence count:37+1Posted:2022-02-17Updated:2022-02-17
Similar words: computer numerical controlterminal computervirtual computerdigital computerpersonal computerpractical computercentral committeecomputer components
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31. To transfer ( data or programs ) from a central computer to a peripheral computer or device.
32. Workstation and peripheral devices are directly connected to ( central computer ).
33. Basically, it means that all our branches are connected to our central computer system.
34. Flow and speed data to monitor the transport sector a central computer.
35. Many supermarkets have POS that are connected directly to a central computer.
36. If so, the computer routes the request to the regional network's central computer, called the switch.
37. The system consists of central computer, communication control unit(four-route, full duplex), terminals, lines, system software, application programs and checking program.
More similar words: computer numerical controlterminal computervirtual computerdigital computerpersonal computerpractical computercentral committeecomputer componentscomputer controlcomputer peripheralcomputer trainingcentral citycomputer control systemcomputer scientistcomputational complexityintelligent computerbilateral contractcomputerdistributed computercomputer usercomputerizecomputer runsupercomputercomputerisecomputer terminalnumerical computationcomputer papercomputer gamecomputer mousecomputer code
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